Die Freude an Junkanoo

festival dancer

Junkanoos Ansehen als einer der berühmtesten und temperamentvollsten Karnevale der Karibik ist unbestritten.

Von farbenfrohen Kostümen bis hin zu üppigen Tanzroutinen bereiten sich die Teilnehmer monatelang auf das Fest dieser Straßenparade vor, begleitet von einem gleichmäßigen Pfeifen, Kuhglocken, Hörnern und Ziegenledertrommeln, das in den frühen Stunden nach Mitternacht beginnt. Erleben Sie diese Feier der bahamischen Kultur und Geschichte am zweiten Weihnachtstag - auch bekannt als übermorgen - sowie am Neujahrstag und an vielen Samstagen im Sommer. Die größte Junkanoo-Feier findet in der Bay Street in der Innenstadt von Nassau statt, aber die Bahamianer auf den 16 Inseln feiern diese freudige Tradition.

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bmot junkanoo the junkanoo rush img

Junkanoo - ein wahres Fest

Spüren Sie das Tempo einer freudigen bahamaischen Feier. Monatelange Vorbereitungen - das Anfertigen von Kostümen, die nächtlichen Übungen - gipfeln in einer Nacht voller Musik, Tanz und ein wenig gesundem Wettbewerb.

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Rolle Town Rolle Town Homecoming

December 31, 1969
7:00 pm |

Come and celebrate the Rolle Town Homecoming. This event promises a day full of fun activities, including live entertainment, delicious food, and games. It's a fantastic opportunity to gather with the community, enjoy the festivities, and create lasting memories. 

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Queen's Highway, Palmetto Point, Cancer Society Headquarters CANCER SOCIETY OF ELEUTHERA ANNUAL HOPE BALL

March 15, 2025
7:00 pm |

The Hope Ball is an event held each year on Eleuthera. Ladies and gentlemen get a chance to dress up in their Sunday's Best and enjoy a fun-filled evening of dancing, dining, and engaging in conversation.
Funds raised from the event go towards helping persons in the community and educating the public about the different kinds of cancers and treatment options available.

For Further Information:
(242) 332-1804

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Downtown, Freeport Freeport Junior Junkanoo Parade

March 15, 2025
7:00 pm |

Join The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture for its Annual Junior Junkanoo Parade which showcases primary and high school Junkanoo rush out, costumes, and banners on the streets of Downtown.

Join The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture for its Annual Junior Junkanoo Parade which showcases primary and high school Junkanoo rush out, costumes, and banners on the streets of Downtown.

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Pelican Point Pelican Point Coconut Festival

April 21, 2025
7:00 pm |

Held every Easter Monday, Coconut Festival is a unique Bahamian celebration with a twist of everything coconut from coconut tarts, coconut bread, coconut infused rice to the famous coconut husking demonstration with visitors and guests.

Held every Easter Monday, Coconut Festival is a unique Bahamian celebration with a twist of everything coconut from coconut tarts, coconut bread, coconut infused rice to the famous coconut husking demonstration with visitors and guests.

Each year the festival attracts hundreds to the eastern end of Grand Bahama to enjoy edible coconut creations, jewelry and live entertainment.

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Grand Bahama Dive Week

May 10, 2025
7:00 pm |

Join The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism in our annual Grand Bahama Dive Week! 

Signature partners are committed to generating dive packages, accommodations and activities that will appeal to divers throughout the United States and North America.

This dive week caters to dive enthusiasts as well as non-divers.

For more information contact:

Wendell Saunders


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Grand Bahama Yacht Club Battle Ground Bahamas Fishing Tournament

June 26, 2025
7:00 pm |

This two-day yellowfin fishing tournament provides a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for the whole community which promoting safe boating practices.

This two-day yellowfin fishing tournament provides a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for the whole community which promoting safe boating practices.

This event also serves as a platform to spread awareness of current ecological concerns throughout The Bahamas.

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BAIC Park, Marsh Harbour Love Rush Junkanoo Parade

February 21, 2025
7:00 pm |

Experience the pulsating rhythm and vibrant energy of the Love Rush Junkanoo Parade. This lively celebration brings together locals and visitors alike to revel in the rich cultural heritage of the Bahamas.

Experience the pulsating rhythm and vibrant energy of the Love Rush Junkanoo Parade. This lively celebration brings together locals and visitors alike to revel in the rich cultural heritage of the Bahamas. Colorful costumes adorned with feathers, beads, and intricate designs flood the streets of Marsh Harbour as dancers move to the infectious beat of Junkanoo music. Spectators are enthralled by the spectacle of elaborate floats and performers showcasing the spirit and creativity of the community. The Love Rush Junkanoo Parade is a must-attend event, offering a thrilling immersion into the joyous traditions of Bahamian culture.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

bmot windsong events junkanoo faq banner

Wo findet Junkanoo statt?

Wie ist dieses Fest entstanden?

Was ist Junkanoo?

Wann wird Junkanoo gefeiert?

Können Besucher an der Junkanoo-Parade teilnehmen?

Lass dich inspirieren

Alle Die BahamasEleuthera & Harbour IslandDie AbacosExumaExuma, BahamasCat IslandKatzeninselDie ExumasFreeportBiminiNassauAndrosNassau, BahamasNassau & Paradise Island
a group of men playing drums on a beach 424x389px
Die Bahamas

Ein Inselrhythmus

Lass uns gehen
eleuthera islandhopping
Eleuthera & Harbour Island


Lass uns gehen
abacos lastlight
Die Abacos


Lass uns gehen
a man and woman eating food

Ein Familienunternehmen

Lass uns gehen
a man holding a wood fish
Exuma, Bahamas

Gehackt und gemeißelt

Lass uns gehen
a large green field
Cat Island

Der höchste Punkt

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a man and a woman holding straw hats and baskets


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man and women hiking looking out to the ocean   424x389px
Die Exumas


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discover your next adventure   424x389px
Die Exumas

Die Winde der Tradition

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Cat Island

Eine offene Einladung

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DPM and family on beach  424x389px


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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Der König der Muscheln

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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Wilde, aufregende Delfine

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Cat Island

Süße Cat Island

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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Poesie in Stein

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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Eine Generation mit Verständnis
für Kunst

Lass uns gehen
John watlings rum


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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Ein Sommerflirt für Bootsportler

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discover your next adventure   424x389px

Beginn einer kulinarischen Revolution

Lass uns gehen
Man swimming with Stingrays

Die Geheimnisse des West End

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discover your next adventure quad

Ganz im Stil Der Bahamas

Lass uns gehen
discover your next adventure   424x389px dive freeport

Eine Welt voller Wunder

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sea plane flying over clear waters
Die Bahamas

Inseln im Flug

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Man working on a wood carving
Die Abacos

Die Familie Albury

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Man Holding Bronze Sculpture sea turtle
Die Abacos

Ein Ort, wo einander Künstler treffen

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Mary Fly Fishing Guide

Ein Traum zum Fliegenfischen

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discover your next adventure quad
Die Abacos

Fischen für den großen Fang

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bmot stories squarebahamas beats

Bahamas BEATS

Lass uns gehen
bmot stories square learn to dive 5fb5a65cf37d9

Tauchen lernen

Lass uns gehen
bmot stories squaremeetladydi 2
Eleuthera & Harbour Island

Dame der Ananasfelder

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exuma exumacays
Die Exumas

Der Exumas Land & Sea Park

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andros androsia


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exumas lifetime
Die Exumas

Inselhüpfen in den Exumas

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bmot stories squaresurfers beach
Eleuthera & Harbour Island

Surfer's Beach

Lass uns gehen
discover slider people
Nassau, Bahamas

Menschen zu People–to–People

Lass uns gehen
bmot discover your adventure you and me
Die Exumas

Du & ich zwischen den Cays

Lass uns gehen
discover slider junkanoo
Nassau, Bahamas

Junkanoo Rush

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nassau conchshack
Nassau & Paradise Island

Potter's Cay

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andros holes

Ein Tag bei Captain Bill

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Die Bahamas

Eine Liebesgeschichte bei Ebbe

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Nassau & Paradise Island

Ardastra Zoo und Gärten

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bmot culture fishfry
Nassau & Paradise Island

gebratener Fisch

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Nassau & Paradise Island

Innenstadt von Nassau

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Eleuthera & Harbour Island

Glasfensterbrücke & Queens Bath

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eleuthera dunmore
Eleuthera & Harbour Island

Dunmore Town

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bmot stories square10 boating tips
Die Bahamas

Top 10 Bootstipps

Lass uns gehen