This cotton plantation was granted to Mr. Abraham Adderley in the year 1790, on 700 acres of land that once comprised all of Stella Maris. Mr. Abraham Adderley was a British born subject with a business established in Nassau, Bahamas. During the year 1820, the acres of land increased to about 2,500, by Abrahams son Mr. William Adderley. There were crops, cotton, and livestock during this time.Various property portions were passed on to subsequent generation members, until the 1950s, most of the land was sold to a German industrialist named Mr. Hubert Schnapka. Eventually, a land development purpose and concept was established, resulting in local development activities commencing in 1963, overtime creating todays Stella Maris Estate. These plantation remnants are located on Adderleys land, reportedly owned by three sisters, descendants of the original Adderley Plantation Family, presently living in the New York area. The Adderley name is very prominent in the northern part of Long Island and across Bahamian islands; major family names of its branches are Knowles, Gibson, Simms, Taylor, and Smith, the majorities are living in the nearby towns or village of Burnt Ground, Glintons, Seymours, Millertons, and Simms. Many of them have been working with and for todays Stella Maris Resort Club, Marina, and Estate, already in the second and third generation.