Statement on the Further Relaxation of the Health Services COVID-19 Rules
The Ministry of Health & Wellness remains cautiously optimistic about the country's progress in the fight against COVID-19 and announces the further relaxation of the Health Services COVID-19 Rules:
Social Gathering
A person may host or attend a social gathering indoors at a private residence or a facility, provided that attendance is limited to seventy-five per cent of the occupancy of the private residence or facility. All attendees must either be fully vaccinated or present a valid negative COVID-19 test result and adhere to COVID-19 protocols.
A person may host or attend a social gathering held outdoors with not more than three hundred persons provided that all attendees must either be fully vaccinated or present a negative COVID-19 test and adhere to COVID-19 protocols.
The public is further advised that concerts, fetes, carnivals, or fairs, Junkanoo or carnival parades (inclusive of practice rallies) require the approval of the Emergency Operations Committee at the Ministry of Health &Wellness.
Mask Requirements
A person is not required to wear a face mask while in a lobby, corridor, or casino of a hotel or while in an outdoor setting where there is at least three feet of space between persons who are not of the same household.
Disabled persons or persons with specified medical conditions are not required to wear a mask provided such persons have in their possession a medical certificate or letter signed by a medical practitioner proving the existence of such disability or medical condition.
The public is reminded that every person is encouraged to wear a face mask while away from his/her residence and in the company of persons who are not members of his/her household. A face mask must fit securely to the face of the wearer, ensuring that both his/her nose and mouth are covered at all times.
Business establishments are required to deny entry to any person not wearing a face mask or not wearing a face mask in the manner described in the paragraph above. They should also ensure that their employees are fitted with face masks and wear them in like manner at all times when in the presence of other employees or customers.
Social Distancing Requirement
Persons shall practice physical distancing of not less than three feet between himself/herself and others who are not of the same household whenever he/she is away from his/her residence.
Business establishments shall ensure that all customers and staff maintain physical distancing between themselves and others of not less than three feet while inside or awaiting entry outside the business.
Businesses shall determine the number of persons permitted entry into the business at any one time based on one person for every thirty square feet of floor space which is unoccupied by furnishings, fixtures or machinery and is accessible to the public.
Businesses must have distance markers three feet apart, indicating where each customer is to stand on a line awaiting entry or check out.
All educational institutions shall adhere to guidelines issued or approved by the Ministry of Health & Wellness for the physical distancing of persons in a classroom setting and otherwise on the campus.
All restaurants shall ensure that seating is arranged so that there is the spacing of at least three feet between each dining party.
Any person who is found not wearing a face mask in accordance with this rule commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.
A person who hosts or attends a social gathering contrary to this rule commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction - in the case of a host, to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars and in the case of an attendee, to a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars.
The Ministry of Health &Wellness will continue to monitor developments regarding the country’s ongoing efforts in the fight against COVID-19.
We strongly encourage all eligible persons who have not yet done so to become vaccinated against this virus. Vaccination not only saves lives but has also been proven to substantially reduce the potential for the spread of the virus.
12 March 2022
The Ministry of Health & Wellness, Commonwealth of The Bahamas